Most Common preposition Meaning and sentence making

Appropriate Preposition 

Sentences are more than just string of words. They are thoughts , ideas and stories . Just like letters build words , words build sentence , sentence builds language and give it personality .

Again without sentence , there are no real communication . If you were only reading words right now you would not be able to understand what Im saying. 

To make sentence you need to learn vocabulary,basic grammars. One of the grammar roles is  preposition 

আমাদের দৈনিন্দিন কাজে ও বিভিন্ন চাকরির ও ভর্তির পরিক্ষায় preposition নিয়ে প্রশ্ন থাকে ।তাই আমরা আজকে কিছু Important and most common preposition নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। 

1. Absorbed in (নিমগ্ন থাকা)
He is completely absorbed in his research work

2. Abstain from ( বিরত থাকা )
You must abstain from smoking and drinking

3. Acceptable to ( গ্রহনযোগ্য )
That suggestion is not acceptable to us

4. Acquainted with  (পরিচিত )
I am only slightly acquainted with him

5. Acquitted of (অর্জিত )
James was acquitted of the charge of theft

6. Adapt to ( মানিয়ে নেয়া )
One must learn to adapt oneself to changing circumstance  

7. Admit to ( ভর্তি হওয়া )
He was admitted to the Medical collage

8. Admit of (স্বীকার করা/ স্বীকৃতি পাওয়া )
This is an urgent matter which admits of no delay

9. Allotted to ( বরাদ্দ )
I have performed the task allotted to me

10. Amazed at ( বিস্মিত )
I was amazed at her performance

11. Anxious to (উদ্গিন্ন)
She is anxious to hear from her son

12. Avail of ( সুযোগ গ্রহণ করা )
Avail yourself of this opportunity

13. Aware of ( সচেতন )
I am not aware of their plans

14. Backward in (পিছনে)
She is rather backward in her studies

15. Believe in  (বিশ্বাস করা )
Do you believe in ghosts

16. Boast of ( গর্বিত )
She boasts of her aristocratic upbringing

17. Brood over  ( বিচলিত / উদ্বিগ্ন )
Don’t brood over past failures

18. Call at ( কোন জায়গায় যাওয়া )
On the way we called at a friend’s house  

19. Call for ( দাবি করা / চাওয়া  )
The principal has called for an exam from the suspended students

20. Care for ( যত্ন / গ্রাহ্য করা )
I don’t care for your objections.I have decided to do it

21. Indifferent to ( উদাসীন )   
He is indifferent to our problem

22. Angry  for ( রাগান্বিত হওয়া )  
I am angry for something

23. Object to ( আপত্তি করা )  
He objected to my proposal

24. Excel in ( তুলনামুলক ভাবে সন্দুর হওয়া )  
He excels in painting

25. Anxious for ( উদ্বিগ্ন )  
He is anxious for getting a job

26. Part from ( বিচ্ছন্ন হওয়া ব্যাক্তি )   
He is anxious for getting a job

27. Vary from ( আলাদা হওয়া )
His opinion varies from his brother’s

28. Proud of ( গর্বিত )
I am proud of my position

29. Essential to ( অত্যাবশ্যক )
Food is essential to health

30. Charge with ( অভিযোগ  করা )
He was charge with theft  

31. Want of ( অভাব )
We have no want of money

32. In favor of ( পক্ষে )
He spoken in favor of his friend

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