If you want to learn English then you have to know about grammar,vocabulary and more . Like this Synonym and Antonym also an another part of English grammar. So today we will share 30 common and daily usable word meaning and Antonym. SO that you can easily use this Antonym in sentence .
আমারা আজকে আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে ব্যবহৃত কিছু Important এবং Advance vocabulary and Antonym or opposite word নিয়ে জানব ।
Common Opposites - Antonyms Vocabulary Word List
1. Big (বড়) - small
2. Early (তাড়াতাড়ি) - late
3. Buy (কিনা) - sell
4. Brave (সাহসী) - coward
5. Busy (ব্যস্ত) - idle
6. Cruel (নিষ্ঠুর) - kind
7. Safe (নিরাপদ) - unsafe
8. Close (খুলা) - open
9. Like (পছন্দ) - dislike
10. Cold (ঠান্ডা) - hot
11. Poor (গরিব) - Rich
12. Love (ভালবাসা) - Hate
13. Difficult (কঠিন) - Easy
14. Day (দিন)- Night
15. Correct (সঠিক) - Incorrect
16. Continue (চলমান) - Discontinue
17. Complete (সম্পুর্ন) - Incomplete
18. Costly (দামী) - cheap
19. Fat (মোটা) - Thin
20. Dry (শুকনা) - Wet
21. Fast (দ্রুত) - slow
22. First (প্রথম) - Last
23. False (মিথ্যা) - True
24. Foolish (বোকা) - Wise
25. Enemy (শত্রু) - Friend
26. Deep (গভীর) - Swallow
27. Drop (ফেলে দেওয়া) - Pick
28. Death (মৃত্যু) - Life
29. Decrease (হ্রাস করা) - Increase
30. Closer () - Farther
31. Now (এখন) - Then