Important and most common usable words start with "c "

You know that Sentences are more than just string of words. They are thoughts , ideas and stories. Just like letters build words,words build sentence , sentence builds language and give it personality .


you also know without sentence , there are no real communication . If you were only reading words right now you would not be able to understand what Im saying.

With sentence making word meaning or new word or synonym also most important part in English . How much word meaning or vocabulary you will know, your speaking skill will be good and fast.

Cooked = food prepared by heating = রান্না করা বা সিদ্ধ

Cute = attractive =  সুন্দর

Cut = Break the surface of something or divided something or make something smaller using sharp tool. = কাটা

Curve = a line which gradually diverts form straight line or not a straight line = বক্র রেখা

Comfortable = relaxation or physical ease =  আরামদায়ক

Curious = Interested to know or learn something =   আগ্রহী

Cultured = good manners or know about the culture or arts.=   সভ্য,মার্জিত

Cruel = no feeling or concern about something or someone = নিষ্ঠুর

Crowded = full of people = ভিড়

Creepy = unpleasant feeling or fear =  ছমছমে

Crazy = mad , extremely passionate about something = পাগল

Courageous = having the ability to meet the danger,no fear = সাহস
Cool = low temperature = শান্ত

Common = The same in a lot of places or for lot of people = সাধারণ

Cold = relatively low temperature,especially when compared with human body = ঠান্ডা

Conscious = aware or having knowledge about something = সচেতন

Confused = unable to think or understand clearly = বিভ্রান্ত

Concerned = worried or anxious about something = উদ্বিগ্ন বা চিন্তিত

Constant = a situation or a number or something which dose not change = ধ্রুবক

Complex = difficult = জটিল

Cloudy = when sky covered with cloud = মেঘাময়,মেঘলা

Corrupt = change from good to bad in moral = দুর্নীতি

Closed = not open = বন্ধ

Clever = mentally bright or having quick sharp and intelligence = চালাক

Clear =  easy to understand = পরিষ্কার

Classy = stylish

Costly = costing a lot ,expensive = দামী

Childlike = Showing the good qualities that children have = শিশুসুলভ

Chief = A leader or ruler = প্রধান

Chemical = A distinct compound or substance relating to chemistry = রাসায়নিক

Cheerful = very happy = খুশি বা আনন্দিত

Cheap = low in price = সস্তা

Charming = very attractive = মুগ্ধকারী

Courteous = Polite ,Respectful or good in manner = সভ্য,সৌজন্য

Circular = Something like circle,In shape of a circle,Round type = বৃত্তাকার

Changeable = Able to be change = পরিবর্তনীয়

Certain = sure = নিশ্চয়

Caring = Showing kindness or love = যত্নশীল

Careless = not showing kindness or love = অযত্নশীল

Cylindrical = Something that is in shape of cylinder
Calm = not showing nervousness,anger or not have strong emotion = শান্ত

Celebrate = Make a special day or even or enjoy something = উদযাপন

Creamy = Like cream or contain cream
Creative = has the ability to create or invent new things = সৃজনশীল

Capsicum =One kind of pepper or chilies = ক্যপ্সিকাম

Crispy = Food which is firm,dry and easily broken ( for example - chips) = মচমচে

Curse = অভিশাপ = use offensive or impolite language,use magic to make bad  things use offensive or impolite language; use magic to make bad things happen.

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