You know that Sentences are more than just string of words. They are thoughts , ideas and stories. Just like letters build words,words build sentence , sentence builds language and give it personality .
you also know without sentence , there are no real communication . If you were only reading words right now you would not be able to understand what I’m saying.
Cooked = food prepared by heating = রান্না করা বা সিদ্ধ
Cute = attractive = সুন্দর
Cut = Break the surface of something or divided something or make something smaller using sharp tool. = কাটা
Curve = a line which gradually diverts form straight line or not a straight line = বক্র রেখা
Comfortable = relaxation or physical ease = আরামদায়ক
Curious = Interested to know or learn something = আগ্রহী
Cultured = good manners or know about the culture or arts.= সভ্য,মার্জিত
Cruel = no feeling or concern about something or someone = নিষ্ঠুর
Crowded = full of people = ভিড়
Creepy = unpleasant feeling or fear = ছমছমে
Crazy = mad , extremely passionate about something = পাগল
Courageous = having the ability to meet the danger,no fear = সাহস
Cool = low temperature = শান্ত
Common = The same in a lot of places or for lot of people = সাধারণ
Cold = relatively low temperature,especially when compared with human body = ঠান্ডা
Conscious = aware or having knowledge about something = সচেতন
Confused = unable to think or understand clearly = বিভ্রান্ত
Concerned = worried or anxious about something = উদ্বিগ্ন বা চিন্তিত
Constant = a situation or a number or something which dose not change = ধ্রুবক
Complex = difficult = জটিল
Cloudy = when sky covered with cloud = মেঘাময়,মেঘলা
Corrupt = change from good to bad in moral = দুর্নীতি
Closed = not open = বন্ধ
Clever = mentally bright or having quick sharp and intelligence = চালাক
Clear = easy to understand = পরিষ্কার
Classy = stylish
Costly = costing a lot ,expensive = দামী
Childlike = Showing the good qualities that children have = শিশুসুলভ
Chief = A leader or ruler = প্রধান
Chemical = A distinct compound or substance relating to chemistry = রাসায়নিক
Cheerful = very happy = খুশি বা আনন্দিত
Cheap = low in price = সস্তা
Charming = very attractive = মুগ্ধকারী
Courteous = Polite ,Respectful or good in manner = সভ্য,সৌজন্য
Circular = Something like circle,In shape of a circle,Round type = বৃত্তাকার
Changeable = Able to be change = পরিবর্তনীয়
Certain = sure = নিশ্চয়
Caring = Showing kindness or love = যত্নশীল
Careless = not showing kindness or love = অযত্নশীল
Cylindrical = Something that is in shape of cylinder
Calm = not showing nervousness,anger or not have strong emotion = শান্ত
Celebrate = Make a special day or even or enjoy something = উদযাপন
Creamy = Like cream or contain cream
Creative = has the ability to create or invent new things = সৃজনশীল
Capsicum =One kind of pepper or chilies = ক্যপ্সিকাম
Crispy = Food which is firm,dry and easily broken ( for example - chips) = মচমচে
Curse = অভিশাপ = use offensive or impolite language,use magic to make bad things use offensive or impolite language; use magic to make bad things happen.