Preposition of Time ( On , In, At )

When we try to make sentence in English grammar is the most important part . On of the post important grammar part is preposition. among common preposition On,In,At are quite confusing.Because we we want to use this preposition of time we do mistakes.

There are some list of the preposition of time ( ON,In,AT).May be these will removes your confusion how and where to use this preposition of time .

On ( Days and dates )

On is used for days and dates

দিন এবং তারিখের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়

Here are the list of preposition with On

  • On Tuesday
  • On Saturday
  • On 5 April
  • On 12 mar 2019
  • On Sunday morning
  • On cristmas day
  • On my birth day
  • On holiday  
  • On January 3rd 
  • On that day
  • On the first day
  • On the last day
  • On the Tuesday night
  • On Wednesday

In ( longer periods )

In is used for months,year, decades, centuries and long periods of time

মাস কয়েক মাস, বছর, দশক, শতাব্দী এবং দীর্ঘ সময়ের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়

  • In 2020
  • In 18th century
  • In 1970
  • In the next century
  • In the ice age
  • In February
  • In the middle ages
  • In 16 years
  • in the evening
  • In the afternoon
  • In the past
  • In the seventies
  • In the summer
  • In this century

AT ( the time of day )

At is used for precise times

এট সুনির্দিষ্ট সময়ের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়

  • At sunset
  • At sunrise
  • At breakfast
  • At dusk
  • At bedtime
  • At noon
  • At dinnertime
  • At midnight
  • At dawn
  • At midday
  • At night
  • At sunrise
  • At ten O’clock
  • At that time
  • At the beginning
  • At the end
  • At the moment
  • At the present
  • At the same time
  • At the weekend
  • At 11.29pm

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