Family vocabulary

Relations and family 

You know that Sentences are more than just string of words. They are thoughts , ideas and stories. Just like letters build words,words build sentence , sentence builds language and give it personality .


You also know that  without sentence , there are no real communication . If you were only reading words right now you would not be able to understand what Im saying.

With sentence making word meaning or new word or synonym also most important part in English . How much word meaning or vocabulary you will know, your speaking skill will be good and fast.

>> If you want to learn English , vocabulary in an important thing. if you are a beginner obviously you have to learn basic and daily usable vocabulary . Among them I am here sharing about family and friends vocabulary :   

foster-child - পালিত সন্তান
foster-daughter - পালিতা কন্যা
foster-father - পালিত বাবা ।
foster-mother -পালিতা মা
foster-son -পালিত ছেলে ;
friend - বনধু
girl - বালিকা
grand-ma -দাদী
godchild - ধর্মপুত্র বা ধমর্কন্যা ;
goddaughter - ধর্মকন্যা ;
godfather - ধর্মপিতা;
godson - ধর্মপুত্র ;
guest - নিমন্ত্রিব্যক্তি ; অতিথি
Child - শিশু
Daughter - মেয়ে,কন্যা ।
Daughter-in-law -পুত্রবধূ ;
Enemy - শত্রূ
Father - বাবা
Father-in-law - শ্বশুর ;
Aunt -চাচী,খালা,ফুফু
Boy - ছেলে,বালক
Brother - ভাই
Brother-in-law -শ্যালক
Forefathers - পূর্ব পুরুষগন ;
Foster-child - পালিত সন্তান

>> post created by shanta

>> Posted by Genius learner

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