Physical problem নিয়ে মজাদার কিছু Vocabulary

Vocabulary :

Vocabulary is most common and crucial part of learning English if you want to good at in English first you have to know a lot of vocabulary first.Here I am shearing some important and regular usable vocabulary :

today we will share an important lesson that is learned Vocabulary, use these in your regular English conversation to improve your vocabulary skill for learning English.Don’t forget to share learn this interesting vocabulary with your friends and family . so stay connected with us for the next lesson

Pious  = ধার্মিক
Lame  = খোড়া
Deaf  = বধির
Dwarf = বামন
Eunuch = হিজড়া
Hunchback = কুজো
Stammerer = তোতলা
Squint eyed = ট্যারা
Bald headed = টেকো
Spinster = চিরকুমারী
Manhood = বয়ঃপ্রাপ্ত
Window = বিধবা
Reckless = বেপরোয়া
Absent mind = অন্যমনস্ক
Pairs nails = নখ কাটা
Breath in = নিঃশ্বাস
Talks nonsense = বাজে কথা
Creep = হামাগুড়ি
Take a somersault = হামাগুড়ি
Silver tongue = মিষ্টভাষী

Do you want to learn English ? 

>> Adjectives starts with “ “ ( vocabulary part )


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