Take a bow or take one’s bow || Phrase||Collocation

 Definition - 

> Acknowledge praise or accept credit .

> To bow to the audience at the end of a performance; to receive praise,applause and congratulation for an excellent performance.


সাধারণত যখন আমরা কোন অনুষ্ঠানে অংশগ্রহন করি এবং সবার থেকে হাত তালি, সম্মান ও প্রশংশা পায়। তাই শেষে আমার নত জানু হয়ে সম্মান প্রকাশ করি এই অর্থে আমারা “Take a bow” এই collocation এবং Idiom টি ব্যবহার করি


Sentence making with Take a bow

1. During the show,I Could barely take a bow

2. The music ended and the girl took a bow

3. The song ended and Albert took a bow

4. They all deserved to take a bow

5. Rahman in this dinner suit,Lady barnett take a bow

6. Step forward and take a bow for your time has come

7. I wondered if it might take a bow, but it didn’t

8. There was great applause when the Rahman’s family took a bow

9. He snored through the presentation and awoke with the applause and jumped up and took a bow.

10. Turn and take a bow

11. Take a bow , the night is over

12. Thank you, than take a bow

13. I take a bow to the native beauty , so humbly and so willingly

14. The football team should take a bow for fine work this seasons

15. I take a bow , and thank you all for coming out

16. It was a delicious meal,madam. You must come and take a bow

17. Sooner or later,race will always step forward and take a bow

18. The guy was really pleased and stood up to take a bow 


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